Monday, September 15, 2014

A Walk in the Park

Last weekend most of the household went for a walk in a nearby park. I thought it was going to be a normal walk, but nope! It turned out to be a four hour walk. I may have made several Gilligan's Island jokes in my head.

I really didn't mind since I had my camera with me. Despite the crazy wind, the weather was lovely and I think I got a few great shots.

We also stopped by Tim Hortons for a mid walk donut break. My favorite!


  1. Oh my goodness--gorgeous. You are clearly in Quebec at the best time of year! And walk with donuts in the middle = platonic form of a walk. Plato probably stopped his class for donuts, come to think... ;)

    And: BABY!

    1. I knew Plato wasn't all bad!

      Ah, Franco was so cute. I wish he was still here! Having a baby in the house is strangely relaxing.
