Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Sunday, Part 1

Last weekend was really fantastic. I met up with family friends and visited four places on my "Quebec Bucket List". These pictures are from two of the four places my host family and I visited.

First up was the Shrine of St. Anne of Beaupre. I've never seen a more beautiful church, even the two smaller churches situated close by were gorgeous. And the gift shop! If only I hadn't forgotten my wallet...but, I'm not sure how acceptable it is to buy souvenirs from a church? Laying aside my protestant values, isn't that monetizing Christ? Ahh, well. A post for an entirely different blog.

The second place was Canyon Sainte-Anne, which is home to one of the most gorgeous waterfalls I've seen yet. And there's almost always a rainbow present! I took so many pictures. But how could I resist? Fall is in full swing and Canada is looking mighty fine right now. I will never regret going abroad in the fall instead of the summer!

Enjoy the pictures! I hope that they aadequatelyconvey the beauty of Canada and the fun I had this past weekend.


  1. These pictures are INSANE. Gorgeous gorgeous. I can't believe the COLORS. And you know how I feel about church architecture 🌹🎁❤️

  2. I stole the autumn leaves picture for my desktop! (I'm back to using the big computer...)
