Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The French Days of Old

*I found this little essay in the chaos of my desktop. I figured it's still applicable! And what better blog to post it on than this one?*

I've just finished my final for my intensive summer French class. It was a 930 word essay based on a French mystery novel. 

I'm currently experiencing three distinct emotions: extreme fatigue, elation and longing for more. 

The extreme fatigue comes from having worked 20 hours every weekend during this class and having pulled half-nighters for the last two weeks. (There was so much homework. My word. I even started texting people in French!) 

The reason for my elation is fairly obvious- I can now have fun! Its summer and I'm free as a bird! I've got grand plans to go shopping, finalize my Canada itinerary and catch up on my sleep. 

The longing for more is a little strange, I'll admit. But even as hard as these past five weeks have been, I know I'm this much closer to being prepared for Quebec. 

I had surprisingly high marks on my oral exams, which makes me a little more comfortable for my oral placement exam I have to take in order to enroll in the Quebec program. *yay*  Apparently my partner and I speak more quickly in French than the other students in our class. 

But I'm most proud of how much I've progressed since the spring semester. Back then I struggled to make basic sentences, much less hold a five minute conversation (my oral exams!)  I also earned much higher marks on my written exams- I attribute this to my professor. 

She was/is fantastic. She was enthusiastic, helpful and pushed each of us to step out of elementary French boxes.

Now I have to figure out how to study and maintain my French during the rest of the summer. I bought a new phrase book and a box of 1000 flashcards via Amazon, and I think I'm going to start trying to read children's books in French. 

But now it's time to celebrate! I'm off to have lunch with my French buddy, Megan.  

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