Friday, September 12, 2014

Quebec Vlog Week 4

^And that is a portrait of a single girl who doesn't need no man, just pain au chocolat and a latte.

GUYS. I've survived an entire month abroad and I love it. You can definitely tell that I've relaxed so much since my first vlog. My host mom was telling me this past week that I've removed all my mind blocks and now I will really learn. I think she's right!

In this week's vlog I chat about random conversations with strangers, I show you what I bought at the drugstore today and I share way too much about my wild weekend plans.


  1. Just to let you know, I always watch your vlogs. Hooray for cadbury chocolate! Miss you, ks.

    1. That makes me so happy, ks! Especially since you can watch them and still be my friend. :D

      Why is Cadbury so freaking good?!?!?!?

  2. You are so adorable! I loved watching your video and hearing about your stay in Quebec. Also, that chocolate looks amazing and I would totally do the same thing (on a similar vein, I just bought a huge bag of puffed caramel corn and it's hard not to eat all of it. So good!). And I would be so nervous to try ordering something in French, but if I knew the primary language was French I'd definitely try to learn a few phrases beforehand to communicate what I needed!

    1. Well, shucks. Thank you!

      That chocolate is amazing. And actually, I only ate one of the chocolate bars! Oh yeah, self control, I have it sometimes. Caramel corn is amazing. And popcorn is so light that it basically feels like you aren't eating very much.

      There are times I resort to Frenglish if I don't know a word, but I really try to say everything in French. Though sometimes I know the cashier would prefer it if I spoke English. Ha!
