Monday, September 1, 2014

Chateau Frontenac and more

Francisco and I both discovered that those flowers smelled horrible. 

These kids cracked me up. They are in the middle of a city full of amazing restaurants and yet they chose to eat McD's. 

I never forget a photobomber. 

Rue d'Art 

Le Chateau Frontenac 

Thanks to Wikipedia, I discovered that Le Chateau Frontenac was actually designed by an American. I found that to be the teensiest bit amusing, because it is the pride and joy of Quebec. C'est bon.

Also interesting, you can book a room for as little as $299 CAD or as much as $800+ CAD.

I'm trying to hit all the outdoor tourist spots that I can before the end of September, since I don't want to be touring in the cold. (That's when it is time for museums! I'm so excited. I've compiled a list of all the museums I want to visit.)

Unfortunately, it rained all weekend so I didn't visit any other spots in Quebec and I wasn't feeling super hot, so I stayed at home. It was a nice weekend of rest! I watched some (okay, a lot) of Netflix and read some Virginia Woolf. #feminism

Since today is Labour Day I had the day off from school. I slept in until 11; it was beautiful. I woke up in a leisurely fashion and then wandered out to a pharmacy to buy a monthlong bus pass. And then since  I felt a little bummed about spending $87 on a bus pass, I went to a gas station and bought hazelnut coffee and a danish, like you do. Logically, I know the bus pass is completely worth it and a fourth of my gas costs for a month back home. But it still stings. I'd rather spend that money on coffee and a new fall wardrobe.

Speaking of fall, holy cows! It is really feeling autumnal up here. It's gloomy, in the 60's and the leaves are starting to turn. I'm looking forward to scarves, hot coffee and museum visits. 


  1. I saw these photos after the other (later?) ones. I liked these better because they made me feel more like I was along on your tour.
