Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Grand Tour

Welcome to my humble abode! Last weekend I made a special effort to pick up my room and make my bed just so I could take pictures for y'all. I know my fans are getting restless. 

It's pretty simple as rooms go, but it has become my safe spot. For those days I feel completely overwhelmed, I retreat to this space for however long I need. 

I didn't bring very much decor with me- just my cheetah blanket, a strand of lucky elephants, and a tiny goat. I totally miss my room at home though. However, the bed here is much comfier, so...

If I'm not at school or touring Quebec, you can find me here.

I love that the two goat things I have with me are both from friends. Warms the cockles of my stone cold heart! 

Those flashcards were the best fifteen dollars I spent all summer. 

My desk! Can you name that Kpop music video playing?

My closet! (The strand of lucky elephants are hanging off one of the knobs!) 


  1. I love seeing where you spend your time. I'm sure you will appreciate that you documented this when you return home.

  2. I hope so! I think I'll probably make a book out of this blog. Maybe.
